Your one stop shop for all the information you need to stay safe and help the community during this COVID-19 pandemic.

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What is the Coronavirus

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease was first identified in 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of China's Hubei province, and has since spread globally, resulting in the ongoing 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.

Common symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Other symptoms may include muscle pain, sputum production, diarrhea, sore throat, loss of smell, and abdominal pain. While the majority of cases result in mild symptoms, some progress to pneumonia and multi-organ failure.

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What can you do to stay safe

The best advice right now for staying safe from coronavirus is to simply stay home and practice social distancing. We know that's not possible for everyone so here are some resources to help keep you and your family as healthy as possible during this extraordinary time.

Keep your home safe & encourage your family members to, clean hands at the door and at regular intervals, disinfect surfaces like doorknobs, tables, and handrails regularly, create habits and reminders to avoid touching their face and cover coughs and sneezes & increase ventilation by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning

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You can help OKC

Integris Hospital Logo

INTEGRIS is accepting donations at the dates/times below. The highest priority is disinfectant wipes.

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Ok for Ok logo.

This site is a resource for the citizens of this city to find local spots to order from and support.

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#InStockOKC allows people across the city to share information such as what stores have cleaning products, and what stores to avoid. This would enable everyone to come together an be a community. Allowing single or struggling parents to reduce exposure and time while hunting for necessities.

Companies can also share times and days of expected deliveries, and their stock numbers at the end of business days. This will allow for better rationing of cleaning products to avoid anyone running out.

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Acts of Kindness

27th March

50 cups of coffee

An anonymous coffee donation was made to mercy hospital this morning, specifically for the front line COVID-19 workers. This came as a surprise and was warmly welcomed by our hard working staff.

2nd April

Buckets full of items donated for Integris caregivers

Water4, a local nonprofit whose mission is to eradicate the world's water crisis, and Crossings Community Church on Friday delivered more than 100 care packages to Integris Baptist Medical Center.

5th April

Handys helping out

Not that long ago, the Handy family, of Oklahoma City, was working to break out of the cycle of poverty and homelessness. Now stable and on a path to success, the Handys have been donating homemade meals, blankets and water to their neighbors in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Text Version of Stay at Home OKC logo. It reads "Stay at Home OKC"

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